Make more for your business.

It’s no secret that maintaining a profitable business is tough. Increasing competition, increasing costs, and increasing stress all add to the challenge of running a successful business.

When it comes to payments and as we move closer to a cashless society, the cost of taking payments is increasing too.

The great news is, though, that Digital Junction in partnership with VenueSmart can help you significantly reduce (or completely remove) merchant payment fees with our plug-and-play payment solutions.

Smart EFTPOS Merchant Services in Australia

Digital Junction has partnered with Venue Smart to offer EFTPOS services powered by the largest process of Visa & Mastercard transactions globally. This enables us to find savings for merchants against the largest domestic operators in Australia.

We make use of hardware provided by two of the largest providers globally; Ingenico & Pax. The strength of our partners allows us to provide our clients with cutting-edge EFTPOS technology tailored to meet the needs of their business.

Our EFTPOS merchant services are a generous suite of options that ensure optimal benefit for merchants Australia-wide. For example, the surcharge levied for each transaction can be automatically added to the customer’s bill through the terminal. This “pay-as-you-go” method of charging makes it much easier to recoup the merchant fees as you trade.

Submit a contact form for our payment acceptance specialists today to discuss how your business could save on EFTPOS surcharges.

Grow online sales worldwide with a reliable payment gateway at low fees.

Digital Junction believes the e-commerce space deserves a fairer, more reliable and local solution for all Australian e-commerce businesses.

We know the e-commerce space inside and out, up and down and around and around. 

Our internet payment gateway (IPG) is powered by the world’s largest payment processor (FISERV).  Couple that with our low overheads, we are in a beautiful position to offer online entrepreneurs a truly low fee and unique e-commerce offering.​​

Web, Mobile and In-App

Offer your customers a customised and seamless checkout experience across your sales channels. We offer plugins for most Open-Source shopping carts as well as Shopify and BigCommerce integration coming soon.

Virtual Terminal
& Payment Links

Take orders over any channel (phone, email, social media, etc.) and let your customers pay instantly using a secure payment link.

Virtual Terminal
& Payment Links

Take orders over any channel (phone, email, social media, etc.) and let your customers pay instantly using a secure payment link.

Give your customers a choice with Crypto

  • Everything we know about finance is headed for the blockchain… everything.
  • When your customer pays with crypto, it is liquidated into AUD instantly for you the merchant.
  • It does not cost you the merchant any fee in order to activate or use the cryptocurrency payment option through VenueSmart and once activated, the process is fast and seamless, like accepting Visa and Mastercard.  The customer pays all of the fees (a low surcharge).
  • Average spending is generally 20% to 40% higher because crypto is still seen as ‘not real money’ or ‘play money’ and spent more freely.
  • Cryptocurrency payments are becoming more popular globally (e-commerce, EFTPOS and POS devices).
  • Cryptocurrency payments have started to gain a lot of traction globally for two main reasons: Legitimacy – the bitcoin network is 12+ years old, every year that it remains operational in its ability to process, execute, and settle transactions with high degrees of security adds to its legitimacy as a useful technology.
  • VenueSmart allows merchants to seamlessly integrate cryptocurrency as a legitimate form of payment opening themselves to a new, potentially untouched market segment to sell their goods and services to.
  • 25% of Australians own a cryptocurrency and Australia’s crypto adoption growth rate is 6% verse 4.3% global average meaning that the rate at which Australians are owning crypto is higher than the global average.​
  • Payments via crypto have increased exponentially during 2021in the USA and Europe via our gateway, Australia will follow trend in 2022.
  • It’s simply another payment method to offer your customers that does not cost you the merchant anything, ever.
  • Transactions take around 30 seconds to complete.
  • Merchants can receive a commission per transaction.

Digital Junction and HAYVN PAY have partnered to give Australian merchants access to a fast, secure and extremely easy-to-use crypto payment gateway that costs merchants ZERO to implement and use.

Who is HAYVN PAY”…

​HAYVN is a Digital Asset Investment Bank with multi-jurisdiction regulation.  Their platform provides secure OTC trading and custody capabilities allowing clients to buy, sell and store large amounts of digital currency, enabling customers to trade digital currencies simply, safely, and efficiently.

Compliance and regulation through AUSTRAC (, HAYVN has broken through the complexity of digital currency trading and custody and provides unprecedented levels of transparency, security, compliance, and best execution practices to our clients and the markets in which we operate.

HAYVN Pay is the HAYVN payment infrastructure system that allows clients to accept cryptocurrency as a legitimate payment method.  By controlling the entire transaction flow and functionality all the way through to wire settlements, HAYVN Pay delivers the technology, liquidity, and execution capabilities required for any merchant looking to utilize cryptocurrency as a legitimate payment method.

What Sets HAYVN Pay Apart HAYVN Pay does not charge any onboarding, implementation, or activation / monthly service fees. The HAYVN Pay solution allows merchants to provide a more unique payment option for their clients without any volatility risk.

Security, fraud mitigation, KYC and Blockchain analysis validation solutions all help secure the HAYVN Pay ecosystem to protect payment and client data, as well as cryptocurrency.  Their regulatory frameworks and strategic relationships with global banking partners via our trading division allows HAYVN to send unlimited Fiat wire settlements globally – quickly and consistently.

This is the payment certainty that underpins HAYVN Pay and gives our clients the confidence to accept, promote and embrace cryptocurrency as a means of payment. 

Coming soon